Young at Art

YoungatartMission Statement

  • To encourage the child’s creative and mental growth through   meaningful art experiences, in a non-judgmental environment.
  • To develop the child’s visual perception and awareness.
  • To make community resources in the Arts more available to children.


YAA Chair:  Kimberly Fortune ([email protected])

YAA Asst. Chair:  Roxi Henry ([email protected])

YAA Asst. Chair:   Renee Lorrette ([email protected])



TK:  Jody Much ([email protected])

Kinder:  Laura Roe Stevens ([email protected])

1st: Victoria Freiler ([email protected])

2nd: Jennifer Jackson ([email protected])

3rd: KimberlyFortune ([email protected])

4th: Renee Lorrette ([email protected])

5th: Roxi Henry ([email protected])

6th: Krista Joseph ([email protected])

7th: Bente Martinez ([email protected])

8th: Jan Dougalas ([email protected])