Our Lady of Guadalupe Preschool is a year-round program that accepts families of all faiths, religions, and backgrounds. We provide services for children ages 3-5 years old.
OLG Preschool knows and respects the developmental profile of each child. We provide the opportunities for children to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in a warm, loving Christian environment.
We want our children to build a positive self-image, explore their natural sense of wonder, and discover their creative spirit. We want our children to build problem-solving skills, develop self-control and consideration of others, and know that learning is fun!
Together, with parents as partners, we are committed to providing a faith-based education. Here at OLG, every student is a precious blessing to our school.
Updates from the Preschool Director
Preschool Downloads
If you are interested in attending OLG Preschool please fill out our Preschool Application
OLG Preschool Tuition 24-25 (197.6 KiB)
Preschool Pre-Admission Health History (LIC702) (88.3 KiB)
Child's Information Sheet For Teachers (32.2 KiB)
Notification of Parents' Rights (LIC995) (35.8 KiB)
Notification of Child's Rights (LIC 613A) (38.2 KiB)
Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment (LIC627) (28.8 KiB)
Physician's Report (LIC701) (62.1 KiB)
Identification and Emergency Information (LIC700) (49.6 KiB)
Parent Consent for Administration of Medication (LIC 9221) (96.0 KiB)