February 2016 Newsletter available online

Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your loved ones.

It is so great to be blessed with a school filled with children, families, and teachers that spread the LOVE every day. I want each and every one of you to know how much I LOVE working with you. It warms my heart to see your beautiful child walk through our doors every day, I am blessed!

Even though February is the shortest month of the year we have much going on! It is the international month of friendship, which we will honor with discussions, stories, and encouragement on how to show love to our friends. The children will be encouraged to speak kindly to one another, they will

practice inviting friends to work together, and engage in many activities that promote teamwork,

kindness, and taking turns. Our Valentine curriculum will feature many art explorations using theme colors and heart shapes to decorate our classroom.

Click Here to download the february newsletter.   February 2016 Newsletter