Dear Our Lady of Guadalupe School,
Last week we had a wonderful turn-out for TK/Kinder Info night and today our junior high students traveled to St. Joseph’s Catholic School for their Mock Academic Decathlon. As a principal, I was proud of our decathletes for representing their school so well. They were well-prepared, respectful, and enjoyed the opportunity to train with Decathletes from other schools. We are looking forward to hosting February’s Mock Decathlon here at OLG with the actual Academic Decathlon taking place Sunday, March 13th at the Walter Pyramid Center in Long Beach.
Our second graders had a field trip to the Natural History Museum, and our fifth graders will take a walking field trip to the Hermosa Beach Library this week. Our basketball teams (all 4 of them!) are now in full swing and next week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Whew!
STAR Testing 1/25-2/5
Sunday, 1/31 Celebrate Our Parish: Catholic Schools Week Kick-Off w/Donut Sunday after the 8am, 9:45am mass – hosted by Student Council and Kinder
Monday, 2/1 Celebrate Our School Community with Teacher Switch and “Get Up and Dance”
Tuesday, 2/2 Celebrate Our Students with Wear Your Favorite Color Shirt Day. Students bring $1.00 (or more) to show their appreciation for our wonderful Hermosa Beach Police Department
Wed, 2/3 Celebrate Our Nation with Add-On Red, White, and Blue Day and a special all-school prayer
Thurs, 2/4 Celebrate Our Many Gifts from God with our morning Jog-A-Thon and Open House from 6- 7pm. Cambridge Uniforms will be in the Parish Hall from 5-6pm, along with gently used uniforms and scrip. Click here to sponsor your child and make your pledges on line: Jog-A-Thon
Friday, 2/5 Celebrate Our Faculty with 8am Mass, a student assembly, and Faculty Appreciation Luncheon hosted by Gr3
Sat, 2/6 5pm Family Mass
Wed, 2/10 Ash Wednesday – Students will receive attend the 2:15pm Ashes Service
Thurs, 2/11 Hawaii Raffle Ticket Stubs/Payment Due
Friday, 2/12 Hawaii Raffle at dismissal
Looking Way Ahead
Summer School and Summer Camp 2016 registration opens 3/1/16 for OLG students. Summer School and Afternoon Summer Camp July 5th -July 29th
**NEW**Full Day SummerCamp Adventures**NEW** June 20th-July 1st 8am-5pmQuestions? Contact: [email protected]
The last day of school for 2015-16 is Friday, June 17th. Students attend 8am mass in regular school uniform, return to class for summer goodbyes, and dismissed by 9:15am.
The first day of school for 2016-17 is Wednesday, 8/24 w/12:30pm dismissal 8/24-8/26.
Mrs. April Beuder