The Jog-A-Thon is Coming

We are having our 24th Annual Jog-A-Thon on Thursday, January 30, 2025 .  All students are encouraged to get sponsors while they run/walk for 20 minutes.  This is a fun, healthy way to show our support for Catholic Schools and raise funds for Arts, Music, and STEM Programs.

You may sponsor a student, teacher, or staff member directly through paypal.  Please visit our online sponsor page for more information.




Catholic Alumni Partnership

Did you know that Our Lady of Guadalupe is a member of the Catholic Alumni Partnership (CAP), Cohort 1?   The Catholic Alumni Partnership is a network of dioceses and schools working to reconnect alumni with their Catholic alma maters. The Catholic Alumni Partnership works together to create sustainable support for every Catholic elementary school through alumni engagement, participation, and philanthropy.  They have a successful network of 470 elementary schools and over 1 Million+ graduates and growing!

Please visit the CAP Website at for more information.

Secret Santa Volunteer Opportunities Coming Soon!

Please join us for a  fun evening of making delectable items for sale at the Secret Santa Shop. No experience needed just need some helping hands to make these store favorites for the kids. No sign up needed just show up. Great way to get hours and have some fun.

Donations Needed

We need a few items to help make the final items for the Secret Santa Store. Please be on the look out for our wish list coming soon. If you can volunteer to donate any of the items please sign up and drop off before or at the Craft night.  For every $12.00 you spend you get 1 volunteer hour. Just remember to include your receipt with your donation and write you name on it.


More information coming soon.


Store hours December 13th-15th from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm

Waiver Approval

I am pleased to share that we received approval from the Los Angeles County Public Health Department to resume in person classroom instruction for grades TK-Gr2 (attached). As many of you know, we already have students on site for child care and/or Academic Support. Our in person classroom instruction for TK-Gr2 will begin 8am, Wednesday, December 2nd and it is our goal to also continue providing both child care and Academic Support.
The faculty and staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that our campus is safe and welcoming for our students and I am so grateful to them for their hard work and dedication. I am also grateful to our families and most especially, our students!, for cheerfully following the health and safety protocols. We can, and will, get through because we worked together. 
Visit the link below to view the OLG reopening plan.